A Complete Guide To Display Interactive Maps on a Joomla Site Easily

If you want to add interactive HTML5 maps to your articles on Joomla! site, then, this tutorial will help you do that effectively by following 3 simple ways.

US Map for websites



Joomla! is a popular and widely used content management system (CMS) to create websites. Sometimes you need to add an interactive HTML5 map to a website, for example, an editable US map. This article describes three ways to do so.

Here is the list:

Later, we will discuss all of these methods. However, before using any of those methods, we should complete preparations. It consists of adding a folder with map files to a server into a media folder of the content management system. Moreover, before using the first or second of them, it is necessary to disable tag filtering.

Adding files with a map to the server

To accomplish this, you need to:

  • Download ZIP file that includes HTML5 map
  • Login to the site using protocols FTP, SFTP, SSH, or via a control panel on the hosting site.
  • Open the folder where CMS Joomla is located.
  • Navigate to the media sub-folder.
  • Create a flamap folder.
  • Extract archive with a map
  • Copy to that folder map files.

Go to a server with a Joomla folder and create a flamap category in the media folder.

This process depends on the protocol used and the operating system. In Windows OS, it is convenient to use file managers that support sftp protocols like WinScp and others. Besides, you can use the console and SSH protocol to login. If you have access to the control panel on the hosting, it is possible to perform folder creation operations and copy map files.

Go to a media folder.

Media directory
Media directory in Joomla

Create a sub-folder named flamap.

Creating a directory for map files
Creating a "flamap" directory for map files

Copying files with map

Copy js, CSS, and HTML files to a server into the flamap sub-folder that we created. After completing this operation, the contents of the folder will be like this:

Map files uploaded to Joomla
Map files uploaded to Joomla

Disabling text filters

You should disable text filters before adding maps using the first or second method. In the case of the third method (using the Sourcerer method), these actions are not required. This is necessary because Joomla and its visual text editor TinyMCE remove some tags, and as a result, the map will also be cut from the article’s content. So let's get started.

Disabling Joomla filters

Navigate to the control panel. You can use, for instance, the upper menu.

Joomla control panel
Going to the Joomla control panel

Select the tab "Text filters".

Switch to the Text filters tab
Switch to the Text filters tab in the control panel.

You can find user groups on the left side, while filters are applied to those groups on the right side.

Text filter settings.
Text filter settings.

Find a group that your current user belongs to and disable filtering by selecting the "No filtering" option. It should be an administrator group as disabling filters for the group with fewer privileges in some cases may cause security problems. Warning: no matter what, don’t disable the filters for the Guest group! If you do so, any unregistered user can add tags to the input field. For instance, they can add their JavaScript code, including a malicious one, to the comment on your site.

Disabling text filters for the Administrator group.
Disabling filtering for the "Administrator" group.

After that, press the "Save" button.

Moreover, instead of entirely disabling the filters, it is possible to customize profile filtering according to your needs, excluding the removal of link and script tags from it. This option is safer as it will still remove some other dangerous tags. But it requires an extra effort on your part.

Disabling filters in the editor settings

Aside from Joomla filters, TinyMCE editor accomplishes pre-filtering, which must also be disabled. Go to the plugin list:

Menu item to go to the plugins management page.
Menu item to go to the plugins management page.

Enter "tinyMCE" to the search field and press Enter. After that, the search will filter plugins, and you will only see the visual editor.

Search for the tinyMCE editor plugin.
Search for the "tinyMCE" editor plugin.

Click on its title.

Switch to the tinyMCE editor settings.
Switch to the "tinyMCE" editor settings.

We got on the page of the visual editor settings.

Editor settings page.
Editor settings page.

Here, you need to click on the set of settings corresponding to your user group. Most likely, it will be Set 0, which corresponds to administrator, editor, and superuser.

Set 0 tab
The "Set 0" tab with the settings.

Scroll down the settings and see the option "Use Joomla Text Filter." Turn it on.

Options for managing the editor's text filters.
Options for managing the editor's text filters.

It disables the editor's filtering options and enables filtering settings for the entire CMS. We have already turned off the removal of tags in the previous step. Therefore, it will not cut out tags for the specified user groups. Another option is also available; you can add the script tag with the src attribute and the link tag with rel and href attributes to the list of allowed for these groups and remove the script tag from the list of prohibited ones. In this case, it will look something like this:

Adjusting the editor filters.
Adjusting the editor filters.

This method is more secure, even if it requires extra effort.

Now, click the "Save & Close" button.

Method 1. Simple insertion of a code with a map to an article

To use this method, you need to perform both preparatory operations - add files with a map to the server and disable text filters (at least disable filtering for link and script tags). They are described above in detail.

Inserting the code to the article

Navigate to the list of articles.

Menu item to go to the list of articles.
Menu item to go to the list of articles from the control panel of Joomla.

Select the article where we want to add the map by navigating to edit it.

Selecting an article to add a map.
Selecting an article to edit and add a map.

Press the button for editing the source code — "Source Code."

Button to edit the source code of an article.
Button to edit the source HTML code of an article on the editor panel.

To add the map to the clipboard, copy this code:

<div id="map_container"></div>	
<link rel="stylesheet" href="media/flamap/map.css"/>
<script src="media/flamap/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/settings.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/paths.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/map.js"></script>
  let map=new FlaMap(map_cfg);

Put the cursor in the right place in the article and insert the map code there. In this example, we will insert it at the beginning of the article:

Inserted at the beginning of the article code to connect and initialize the map.
Inserted at the beginning of the article code to connect and initialize the map.

Click"Ok." After that, nothing changed visually, yet the code should already be there; it just does not appear in the editor:

The map is built in, but does not appear in the editor.
The map is built in, but does not appear in the editor.

To check whether it really disappeared, you can press the "Source Code" button again. By pressing it, we see that it is in place:

The source code of the article, with the code to insert the map.
In the source code of the article, you can see that the map insertion code is in place.

The editor changed it slightly; nevertheless, the map should still work. Close the window with the code and click the button that saves the article.

Then, go to the public part of the site and see the result:

The map is displayed on the published page.
The map is displayed on the published page.

Method 2. Adding an interactive map using a custom module

To implement this method, it is necessary to complete the preparatory steps described above for adding files with a map to the server and disabling text filters. Then you need to create a Custom module, save the code for adding a map to it, and then add the module to the desired article in Joomla.

Creating a custom module

Navigate to the Joomla admin panel, click "Modules" in the left menu.

Go to the module management page.
Go to the Modules page from the Joomla control panel.

Click the "New" button to create a new module.

Button to create a module.
Button to create a module.

Select the type of the module "Custom." It allows you to independently enter HTML and JavaScript code into the module, including the required one to connect our map.

Select the module type - Custom.
Select the module type - "Custom".

Write down the module’s name. Then press the "Source Code" button if the visual editor is enabled.

After entering the name of the module, click on the button to edit its source code.
After entering the name of the module, click on the button to edit its source code.

Paste the following code into the input field to load and create a map:

<div id="map_container"></div>	
<link rel="stylesheet" href="media/flamap/map.css"/>
<script src="media/flamap/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/settings.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/paths.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/map.js"></script>
  let map=new FlaMap(map_cfg);
Inserted in the input field the source code of the map initialization.
Inserted in the input field the source code of the map initialization.

After that, press the "OK" button. The result is not visible in the visual editor since the inserted code does not run in it, but there is now a map code in it.

The map initialization code is inserted, but it is not visible in the editor.
The map initialization code is inserted, but it is not visible in the editor.

It is possible to check its availability by pressing the "Source Code" button again. Then we will see the following:

The map initialization code
After pressing the "Source Code" button again, you can see that the map code is not missing.

We can see that the code has changed slightly, but it will still work. This window can now be closed.

You can also disable the "Show Title" option by setting it to the "Hide" value if you do not want the module name you entered to be displayed along with the map. After that, we press the "Save & Close" button to save the module and close the current interface.

Now, we can see that our module has appeared in the list.

The created module appears in the list.
The created module appears in the list.

Inserting a module with a map to the article

Navigate to the list of articles by clicking on the corresponding item in the left menu.

Menu item to go to the list of articles.
Menu item to go to the list of articles from the control panel of Joomla.

In the list of articles, select where we want to add a map. Click on its title to switch to edit mode.

Selecting an article to add a map to it.
Select an article to edit and add a map to it.

On the editing page, place the cursor where we want to put the map and press the "+ Module" button. This will add the module with the map that we created to the article.

Button to connect the module in the article.
Button to connect the module in the article.

Click on our module.

Selecting a module to add.
Selecting a module to add.

Then we will see the following:

Article in the editor with the added module.
Article in the editor with the added module.

In the place where we wanted to insert the module with the map, the command "{loadmoduleid 95}" appeared. Here, 95 is the module identifier. This value may be different. After that, we can move the map around the article by cutting out this inscription and pasting it to the desired place. Now, you can click the "Save" button. After saving the HTML, the map should appear in the article where we added the module on your site.

Added map on the published page.
Added map on the published page.

Method 3. Using the Sourcerer plugin to add a map to a site on Joomla.

To accomplish this method, you also need to perform preparatory process number 1 of the process described at the beginning of the article - create a flamap folder in the media directory of your CMS Joomla on the server and place the map files there. Unlike the previous two methods, you don’t need to perform the 2nd operation - text filtering does not need to be disabled.

Next, you need to find and download the Sourcerer plugin, which allows you to insert JavaScript, CSS, and PHP code using a visual editor on a site that runs on CMS Joomla. We can do this on the official website of this CMS.

Download the plugin

Navigate to the official site joomla.org.

Official Joomla website.
Official Joomla website.

Click on the "Extensions" menu item.

Menu item Extensions.
Menu item "Extensions".

Enter "Sourcerer" in the search field for extensions. In the drop-down list, click on this extension.

Sourcerer plugin.
Sourcerer plugin.

Click on the button to get the extension.

Button to go to the plugin download page.
Button to go to the plugin download page.

Click the download button.

Button to proceed to download the plugin.
Button to proceed to download the plugin.

Button to download the plugin.
Button to download the plugin.

Wait until the download completes

Waiting to download.
Waiting to download.

After the download completes, we need to add the plugin to our site.

Adding the Sourcerer plugin to a Joomla site

Go to the extensions installing section. Completes this using the top menu.

Menu item for installing extensions.
Menu item to install extensions in the administrative part of Joomla.

Click the button to upload the extension from your local computer.

Button for downloading and installing the extension.
Button for downloading and installing the extension.

Select the downloaded ZIP file of the Sourcerer plugin and wait for the plugin to install.

The process of installing the extension.
The process of installing the extension.

We can see a message about a successful installation.

Message about successful installation.
Message about successful installation.

Adding the interactive map to the article

Navigate to the list of articles to add the map’s code to the article.

Jump to the list of articles.
Jump to the list of articles.

Select the desired article, and proceed to edit it.

Selecting an article for editing.
Selecting an article for editing.

If the Sourcerer plugin is installed correctly, the "Code" button should appear on the visual editor. Before pressing it, you need to put the cursor where you want to see the map.

Code Button.
A button to add code to an article.

After that, click on this button. A window appears where you can enter the source code. Copy the following into it:

<div id="map_container"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="media/flamap/map.css"/>
<script src="media/flamap/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/settings.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/paths.js"></script>
<script src="media/flamap/map.js"></script>
    let map=new FlaMap(map_cfg);

This will look like this:

Inserted code to initialize the map.
Inserted code to initialize the map.

After inserting the code, press the "Insert" button. We see that in the article, the code appeared inside the {source} and {/source} tags. If necessary, you can change it right there without clicking on the "Code" button. In addition, this entire block can be transferred to the desired place on the article and even copied to another.

Article with a code.
Article with a code for the map.

Click on the button to save the article, go to the site where it should be displayed and see that the map is visible there.

Display the map on the published page.
Display the map on the published page.


This article describes three ways to add maps to a site under the Joomla content management system. Their general essence is to insert the link and script tags and JavaScript code in the right place on the article. And they differ in the way we insert them. One thing that complicates matters is that Joomla itself can cut tags, and its visual editor TinyMCE cuts them by default, so in both of them, the removal of tags used in the map’s code must be disabled.

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