Try-for-free Customizable US Map

Usually, buyers of standalone software have an opportunity to download a demo/trial version to take measures of the product. Nevertheless, our customers are not an exception and we always offer them the downloading of the demo version to estimate our product. But unfortunately, most of them don’t know that this demo version is a plugin with full functionality! Do you want to know more?

What is a try-for-free customizable US map?

If you visit the website and look for any WordPress plugin, you can see a short link (Download) that allows downloading of the fully-functional demo version. Moreover, the trial of all products, including the US interactive map, is available.

Software box with the USA map

This try-for-free customizable US map plugin can be installed on your WordPress website. You will be surprised, but it is a really FREE customizable US map with the full list of amazing features:

  • Detailed HTML5 map of the US;
  • Clickable states;
  • Mobile-friendly;
  • Adjustable colors, links, and tooltips;
  • Easy customization with only a few clicks.

Sounds good, right? But please note that all maps made in this free version will have the “demo” sticker while being rendered on the webpage. To remove it, you will need to purchase the premium version of our product.

How to install a try-for-free customizable US map from

Surely, the installation of the WordPress interactive map from is simple:

  • download the ZIP archive with the demo version on your local PC;
  • go to your WordPress website admin dashboard and use the “Plugins -> Add new -> Upload” menu to select the ZIP archive and upload it to the website;
  • activate the plugin when the uploading process is completed;
  • customize your interactive map settings (as described above);
  • add the shortcode of the map to your WordPress blog post or a separate page;
  • Voila, you have the free customizable map on your website!

How to customize the WordPress interactive maps from

When you downloaded and activated the free customizable US map plugin from, just go to your WordPress website admin dashboard. After that, you will see the new section on the left side of the screen – “USA Map”. So, you can find links for the different plugin settings in this menu: General Settings, Detailed Settings, Groups, Points, Preview, and Maps managing (creation, deleting, settings export/import).

Here you find an example of a customized map with tooltips and links:

In the article “5 types of interaction in plugin US Map for WordPress” you can also find real examples with different options.

What are the differences between a demo and a premium version of US interactive maps?

Certainly, the premium version of the US interactive map for WordPress has the following advantages:

  • lifetime license;
  • support included;
  • no monthly/annual fees;
  • no “demo” sticker/brand link.

Do you have customizable maps of other countries?

Of course, we have! Just visit our website and look for the product list, you will not regret it.

What’s next?

All in all, if you want to test all the premium options of the USA map plugin for free, just click on the link below and download the plugin.

Get a try-for-free customizable US map for WordPress

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